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2023 Force Fitness excitement!

2023 is going to be EPIC in so many ways--I just had to share some of the fun changes, additions you'll be seeing!

šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ Forcefit20 will be offering 3 days of online strength training through my fitness app. Attend the lives at 11:10 or catch the replays at any time!

Monday's - Total body strength

Wednesday's - Power strength

Thursday's - Core strength

ā˜Ŗļø Get an Astrological chart reading to dive deeper into your life purpose, understand yourself a bit better on a completely different level.

šŸ’« Need a little bit more healing help than just nutrition and exercise? Check out my Body Consciousness offerings! Sign up for a ThetaHealingĀ® session OR a Holy Fire Reiki session.

šŸ’„Whatever the case my be--now Force Fitness offer Mind, Body AND Spirit healing in 2023!!!! You can check it all out right here:

P.S. Want to learn more about what Force Fitness is doing in the spiritual realms as far as health and wellness?? Ask me about my Body Consciousness Fb group!




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