I am SO proud of this girl right here. Her story speaks mountains of truths that we ALL have faced in our lives to one degree or another. Please read and give her some love. SHARE on your page to help others that may be struggling!

12-month Testimonial, plus more….#honestly Being vulnerable & sharing your story is difficult & I struggle with it. So, I share in hopes that it may help someone & shed light on struggles that they too can relate with. I apologize as this will be lengthy. Three years ago, when I met Anneliese I was grieving after losing my husband in 2011. I was sick & extremely unhealthy. I’d battled lung illness for years & became an emotional eater. In & out of the hospital, prednisone & pages of medications became the norm & soon was the fate of 85 lbs gained. I was terrified for my future & knew my kids needed me more than ever. I had followed Anneliese on social media & decided it was time to reach out for help. She became my personal trainer & wellness coach. We gained a lot of ground that year, however by lungs were not physically functioning as they should. Soon, it resulted in Oxygen. That was terrifying! 30 years old & this is not how I saw my life. I chose to take a step back. I searched out the best of the best pulmonary docs, although it took time & many miles away from my babies, I was in search to find the best. That’s when my world changed. 2016 I completed three lung surgeries. 3 months after my third & final surgery, I went to my pulmonologist asking if I could run. Sounds crazy, but for years walking was difficult to do, due to shortness of breath. I hadn’t run since high school & was ready to give it a try. It was then that I reached out to Anneliese again, for her knowledge & guidance to help assist in my recovery & goal setting. I was determined more than ever before to give it my all, to be the best I could be for my children & to become healthy again. I began the 12-week Enlightened Program & had such great results, that I wanted more. I wanted to continue to be educated by her & have the connection with a Tribe to share wins/struggles with. To have accountability. I then joined the 12-Month Empowered Living Program. This program helped me soul search, gain confidence & helped me understand that it is ok to have a cheat day or to fall off- It’s life! “Jump back on” is something that I am grateful for every day. I learned to listen to my body & remove unhealthy foods. I learned to set short-term & long-term (realistic) goals & how to achieve them. I am forever thankful Anneliese came into my life.
Sharing below some of my results:
I found my WHY!
72 total lbs lost since joining Anneliese
I went from pants size 24 to 14 (two pants sizes in the last 12-months)
I learned my reactive foods and eat very little dairy.
I joined a gym and am a regular member (I was scared & embarrassed before/had never been)
I learned what to do when emotional eating is at risk
I went from 11 medications to 2
DON’T GIVE UP- I still have goals in play, which I will continue to rely on my support system, keep a positive mindset, and continue to work out
Welcome to TRX Tuesday as well! Super excited to be working with the TRX bands. Hope you are too! Today we’ll be working Buts and Guns. You coming? Fuel Fitness 12:10 – 12:50