My daughter and her beau Daniel were here this last week. 💗
We hiked daily, played soccer, bad minton, volleyball and tennis. We thru a little soiree with great food, drinks, and awesome company. We ate out for a nice dinner and took them to one of our favorite breakfast places. And the week flew by like crazy! 😞
All I can say is WHEW! 😳
👉It's time to DETOX!
Care to join us?
When: July 20, 2020
What: 7 day whole food detox OR 10 day Orenda detox
How: Via fb in my Fit Force group!
💥Stay tuned for more details--but if you want in just let me know what your plan is and we'll get you hooked up!
CHEERS to detoxing!
FORCEFIT20 is BACK! See you today at 12:00 MDT fb live. You'll need your STEP!!
Feel free to join in the fun! forcefitness.us/forcefit20
