You can strengthen your immunity NATURALLY!! The main way to do this is to choose nutrients that reduce your inflammation. These foods MIGHT surprise you. Take a look:
1) Pumpkin seeds - rich source of zinc
2) Sunflower seeds - high in vitamin C and selenium
3) Dried apricots - potent source of vitamins A and E
4) Leafy greens (kale, spinach) - high in Vitamins A,K and as well as zinc and potassium
5) Cayenne pepper - high in vitamin C
6) Ginger - antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties
7) Bananas - loaded with potassium
8) Grapefruit and sweet potatoes - rich in potassium
9) Avocados - 700 milligrams of potassium
So WHY wouldn't you do whatever it takes to give your immunity a BOOST the easy way?
Cheers to health!
Cardio/fusion Monday! See you in the Forcefit20 group high noon fb live! You gonna make it?
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