Yup! Hard to believe that's even me!
How did I go from being a victim to an empowered human being?
Well, it wasn't easy....
First of all, I had to own it. All of it. My flaws, my faults, and everything I had created in my life--- the good, the bad, the ugly!
Second, I had to do something about it to change it. I had to take ACTION! I wanted to change MORE than I wanted to stay the same. Let me tell you CHANGE is uncomfortable.
Ego has a TON to do with staying the same, OR changing. Ego is the built in defense mechanism or the soul. It doesn't really like change. So I had to break that down because I was miserable being a victim in EVERYTHING I did.
So, I changed my life. I changed everything about it. Losing weight was HARD, maintaining it even HARDER, but not as hard as staying the same stuck in a body I wasn't happy with. I divorced, I raised 2 kids on my own, I changed jobs, I recreated myself TWICE! I'm STILL creating myself and who I am striving to be....my ultimate self!!
And yes, there's no looking back. I'm so glad I did what seemed impossible. I overcame obstacles that I never would have thought possible. I did have help along the way however....people who came into my life at just the right time to help guide me, hold my hand, comfort me, assure me that I was making the right decisions.
Just know YOU are not alone. Empower yourself and take action today!!
Let's H.I.I.T. it out of the ball park today in Forcefit20!! See you at 12:00 mdt fb live!
