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Full moon in Aquarius!

Anneliese Swingle

Full Moon in Aquarius ♒

This isn't your every day full moon occurring tonight at 6:25 pm mdt.

It's a biggy!

Aquarius rules the calf, ankle, shin and Achilles. If you're 'feeling' any of this physically--tune into what messages you might be receiving about your pain. What is happening in your life right now that may be your 'Achilles heel'. (You can't make this up, just saying!) Check in and take note. It's time to release all that no longer serves. ALL!

Also, we have what's called a Grand Cross with the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn creating a large square and 2 oppositions. A Grand Cross appears when at least 4 planets are 90 degrees apart. Let's not forget we are in Mercury Retrograde as well, so yah, things may be a bit dicey to say the least. So if you're feeling a bit unsettled--rightly so!

But hey--Uranus is all about liberation and freedom. Let that sh!t go and be the rebel leader you were put on this earth to be. Speak your truth and stand for YOUR freedom.

Nobody puts baby in a corner!

Here's some ceremonial journal prompts for you to consider:

  1. Who or what is your Achilles heel you would like to release?

  2. Where are you playing small?

  3. What stories are you telling yourself that keep you small?

Write it all down, BURN it and release it to the universe! Don't forget to write down what you want to integrate!!

Cheers to the Full Moon in Aquarius!


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