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Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer

The Full Moon in Cancer graces the skies Monday January 13th at 10:26 pm mst. The full moon always illuminates what is hidden, suppressed or repressed. It's a great time to release all that no longer serves and manifest what does.

If you've been experiencing some pretty intense energy (or situations) since the new year..... you can blame it on the Mars Pluto opposition. You'll be feeling this intense energy until May. Mars with its fiery war energy and Pluto with its deconstructive transformative energy are playing out in real time collectively (CA fires) and personally, however that may look like for you. So, take advantage of this full moon and its watery element to let go, and go with the flow. Get out of your head and into your body. Don't let what's happening on the world stage rock your boat. Stay grounded and focused on taking care of yourself.

What does this look like:

🐦‍🔥 Get into water - Epsom salt soak, swim, cold plunge, drink 1/2 your body weight in water, make moon water.

🐦‍🔥 Radical self-care - eat clean, workout, schedule a mental wellness day with yourself, disconnect from the news, get off social media.

🐦‍🔥 Connect to your heart space - send love and healing to those affected by tragedy. Meditate and visualize what you want to see happen with the best and highest good intention for all.

The Moon is the ruling planet for the zodiac sign of Cancer, so it really feels at home in this sign. Harness the coziness of this full moon by coming back home to yourself. The theme here is RADICAL SELF CARE.

Cheers to the Full Moon in Cancer.


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