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Full moon in Pisces and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

YES!! This was taken right outside in my back yard. I love taking pictures of the moon. Sometimes they turn out, other times eh....🤷🏽‍♀️

We have a GREAT opportunity to witness the moon's beauty in FULL bloom tonight at 7:35 PT. This full moon is a great time to release anything and everything that no longer serves us. (For all of you Pisces moons out there--let go of your silence!! Let it go! And integrate bringing clear language into life!)

Pisces rules the 12th house of the mystical--all that is unseen. It's the house of dreams ruled by Neptune. Have you noticed your dreams on steroids lately? Yup! Thank you Neptune. You MAY even be feeling your senses (intuition) being way more heightened. At this time, the veil is very thin, so we are able to access information not readily accessible to us normally because of the Lunar Eclipse.

What might you be experiencing physically during this Full Moon?

  1. feet or toe pain (including accidents involving feet or toes)

  2. disease flare ups (including auto immune diseases)

  3. crazy, wild dreams or even nightmares

  4. insane cravings for sugar, alcohol, gambling, any addictive substances

  5. fatigue

  6. insomnia

Just to name a few symptoms - remember, this too shall pass.....

It's a wonderful time to tap into your creative sign. Sing, dance, color, paint, play an instrument--take advantage of your creative side and CREATE! If you're interested in doing ceremony (and ceremony is just simply acknowledging), here are some things that might help:

  • Get into water (Epsom salt bath, ocean, cold plunge or shower, wade in a creek)

  • Create! Use your creative side and honor the moon with your works of art

  • Journal what it is you want to release and take action to follow it up

  • Make a list of all you want to manifest, burn it and take the ashes to a stream and release them

  • Eat clean and get plenty of rest

Cheers to celebrating the Lunar eclipse and full moon in Pisces.


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