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Got triggers?

Anneliese Swingle

Ok, let's talk about the truth about triggers....WE ALL HAVE THEM!

And boy oh boy are we in for a wild ride this eclipse season (which we are in right now). September 17th brings us a very special partial lunar eclipse along with a Full Moon in Virgo! YOWZA! This is big for some many reasons, but the biggest one being we haven't experienced it on the Pisces/Virgo axis in 18 years! 2nd biggest reason---it's all about healing KARMA!

Here's what's being highlighted:

  1. Our intuition

  2. Our connection to divine

  3. Our health

  4. Our core wound

  5. Our feet, toes, pineal gland

  6. Our dreams

If you've been unusually owly, irritable, triggered, angry, tired, withdrawn, experiencing crazy dreams, having digestive issues, or sick...then you're feeling the energies of the eclipse. Remember: a trigger is put in place to help us heal and evolve. What a GREAT time to heal ALL that is coming up for us from our childhood, past lives and/or playing out for us in our current life.

How to heal:

  1. Acknowledge the trigger

  2. Close your eyes and ask yourself what is this trying to teach me

  3. Tap into you heart space and get out of your head (it starts with breathing)

  4. Allow any memory to surface and explore any feelings attached to the memory

  5. Release it--using your words-- I release ______

  6. Fill up the empty space with unconditional love (or whatever else that feels right)

This is a GREAT time to be alive my friends. If you need help navigating these waters, I'm here to help. Just shoot me a message! And if you haven't already joined my FB Body Consciousness group, you can right here:

Here's to healing!!


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