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Happy New Moon in Virgo

So much to say about this New Moon in Virgo, so little time to write it all out....

Here's the gist:

  1. Black Moon Lilith and Venus are conjunct the South node in Libra during the new moon, bringing up some serious past relationship healing opportunities! (yay 🤦🏼‍♀️)

  2. Virgo representing purity, perfectionism, and the desire to hide flaws to others comes on display during this full moon.

  3. Virgo also represents our health and influences these organs: pancreas, small intestine, cecum, colon, digestive tact, eyes and ears; therefore, they'll be more sensitive during this time- so provide them with care.

Oh...what to do!

  • Let go of perfectionism and integrate healthy habit!

  • Observe relationship interactions and respond with care rather than react with fear.

  • Declutter! Remove all that no longer serves you. Get organized.

Having an idea of what to expect is ALWAYS helpful as we navigate the seemingly turbulent waters of life. We're preparing to enter into eclipse season--so stay tuned for more fun to come!

Here's to FALL and ALL that she brings with it!


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