Know thy body, Know thyself 2 week Intensive
What would it be like to live free, to dissolve your problems instead of just solve them?
What if the end goal in this game of life we are living in was to free yourself from the chains that bind you?
What is the personal prison you are trying to free yourself from?
Is it your body? (weight loss)
Is it your mind? (reduce anxiety)
Is it your spirit? (discover your purpose)
Explore the possibilities, unlock the secrets that are held within your mind, body and spirit that can set you free!
What: Know thy body, Know thyself 2 week Intensive
When: October 5 - October 17
Where: FB LIVE
Cost: $75
Register right here: https://www.forcefitness.us/copy-of-individual-plan-1
Weight a minute! It's what's on tap for FORCEFIT20! See you soon! Fb live 12:00 mdt
