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New Moon in Capricorn

Anneliese Swingle

New Moon, new beginnings...

👉🏽 There's no better time than this New moon in Capricorn ♑ on December 30th at 3:27 pm mst, to set your sights on what you want 2025 to look like personally and in your career. This new moon will feel a bit different than it has in the past because Pluto moved into Aquarius on November 19th. Pluto in Capricorn energy was heavy, dense and was all about top down structure and power. Now that Pluto has moved into Aquarius, the energy will feel lighter, faster moving and is all about your hopes and dreams and power to the people.

✨ This is a great time to CREATE what it is you want to build for yourself and/or bring to the collective. Harness the energy of Capricorn (motivation, drive, achievement) to help you set your sights on high vibing, energizing, goals! Whatever it is you are building (think structure - Capricorn), like your 'body' is a structure, (how do you want it to look, feel, move) - health goals). Maybe it's a structure such as a 'program' for your career, (same thing, how do you want it to look, feel, or exist)?

🌱 Plant your seed of intention! Utilize this Winter Solstice time to go within dream, meditate, and build in your mind's eye what it is you want to see come to fruition during the Spring Equinox for you personally and professionally!

Wondering 'how' to do ceremony? Wonder no more...grab this handy dandy Little Ceremonial Kit for only $55 (complete with a video on how to do ceremony. You can do it right along with me!! Get yours right here:

🤗 Share in community if you feel called, (think Aquarius), and attend our New Moon ZOOM call Monday December 30th at 3:15 pm mst. Jesse Peterson and I will be the hosts for this call. Jesse always is a WEALTH of information regarding herbs, tinctures and concoctions that will help support this New Moon energy. And I'll be sharing a health and wellness tip along with what the energies of Capricorn moon feel like. Click the link to join:

Anneliese Swingle is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Moon in Capricorn Zoom

Time: Dec 30, 2024 03:15 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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🥰 Want to find your tribe? Come and Connect, Gather and Gab with like-minded people on January 9th at 5:00 pm. There's no agenda, just a great time to meet people, share stories, eat, laugh, draw oracle cards and purchase goods Contact me for location details if you plan on attending.



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