As they say...SEEK and ye shall find!
The New Moon in Sagittarius happens at 11:21 MST at 9 degrees on Sunday December 1. Sag is a fire sign and all about mutability. Mutable signs are the shapeshifters of the zodiac. They are ever-changing and seldom stress out about life shifting around them. They are quick on their feet and can ebb, flow, and adapt to their surroundings. If you are a Sag sign, you probably know this to be true.
♐ The sign of Sagittarius runs from November 22, thru December 21. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is all about expansion, travel, higher education, belief systems and spirituality. Sagittarian moon signs are known as vision holders and want to release potential to make room to integrate proof.
Sag rules the liver, hips, thighs, and sacrum as well as the Sacral chakra. It's the seat of our creative and playful nature and the most sensual of the seven chakras. It is where we experience pleasure, sexuality, nurturing, and movement. When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, Sagittarians are emotionally attuned, compassionate, and empathetic.
When out of balance, Sagittarians can become overly sensitive or even reckless, a sign that the chakra power system requires attention.
Ceremonial points to ponder:
Have you been overly sensitive or reckless?
Are you lacking compassion or empathy?
Are you nurturing yourself?
How can you ask more questions and make less assumptions?
🌔If you want to hang out in a like minded community and discuss what this New Moon might mean for you, please JOIN US this Sunday at 10:00 am MST in a NEW MOON ZOOM meeting. Jessica Peterson and I will be hosting. Learn all about herbal support along with fitness ideas during this call.
Join Zoom Meeting
Hope to see you there!!!