😳 What you resist persists!
What is resistance?
It's the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. In this case...ACTION!
Resistance bands have been around forEVER and are SO underrated.
So grab a band and RESIST!
3 sets 24 reps
1) Overhead lat pull downs (pull to the front of your body, not behind the head)
2) Resisted push ups (put band around back under armpits keeping band tight)
3) Single arm bicep curls (stand on band - switch arms)
4) Squat side leg lift (tie band around ankles)
5) Leg kick backs (tie band around ankles and kick back one leg with bent knee)
FORCEFIT20 Lordy Lordy look out 4 - T!! Need a quick workout? Need a tribe? We got you! Every Monday, Wednesday the Thursday 20 ish minute workouts via FB live! It's never too late to join!

the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.
the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.
the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.