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Shawna's journey....part 3

Anneliese Swingle

So it's now 5 weeks post op and Shawna went back to work in the office after 2 weeks. She's still completely non-weight bearing and gets around on a little scooter. She has a screw in her heel, 3 screws crossing the top of her foot and four staples on the sides. The great news is that Shawna can wiggle her toes, and flex her foot slightly.

She had her first doc appointment to see how the healing is going. All signs look good and for the first time Shawna has hope!! 🙏🏼 Now the real healing begins....

For Shawna's first Body Consciousness session, we started by releasing trapped emotions in her foot and in her body. Her body was ready to release her trapped emotions. Bodies are amazing in the sense that when they are done doing the releasing--they let us know.

We then moved into changing some deep rooted belief systems. Belief systems sometimes reside so deep in our subconscious mind, we don't even know they are there until we ask. When they are ready to be changed, all we have to do is surrender, trust the process and let Creator do the work.

After we finished the session, Shawna shared that she felt tingling in her head and a little bit loopy. This is totally normal and what energy can feel like. We then grounded ourselves and concluded the session with an energy break.

Next session, we'll do an energy Reiki healing. Stay tuned....



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