Tasty Tuesday brought to you by: GREENS!
Tis the season for salads. Salads are the "go to" in summer. I get asked a ton about what to use for dressing. And my "go to" answer is so simple---make it yourself! Don't waste you're money buying fat free, sugar free, low cal dressing. Make your own.
I LOVE "Just Tapped" right here in Helena, Mt. (Shout out to Terry Cashell) I literally buy different flavored oils and mix and match them with vinegars. You can get fancy and add garlic powder, salt, pepper what not, or you can simply drizzle oil over your salad, then drizzle vinegar over that. Easy peasy!
You can enjoy curbside pick up as well as order online! https://www.justtappedmt.com/
