A HUGE congrats to Caroline for making her 4 weeks look like a BREEZE! So proud of this girl for taking her fitness and health to the next level. She's a busy working woman
who has not time to workout, or plan meals. If she can do YOU CAN TOO! Check out what she has to say about her first 4 weeks in the Enlightenment transformation program!
Here is the 4 week testimonial that I have had a hard time posting. Not sure why but I have! #wins I lost a total of 13.4 pounds within my 4 weeks. I unfortunately didn’t do measurements! 😡
#NSV I was able to pull down my jeans without my unbuttoning or unzippering them! Also, I realized how many people are supportive of me in this! One last thing, I have noticed how I can have certain foods in front of me and not feel the need to eat them! A mindset shift! YAY!
Here are my comparison pictures!
TRX Tuesday again? My how time flys when you're having fun! Will I see you today? Fuel Fitness 12:10 - 12:50!
