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Welcome to Libra Season!

The Fall equinox was Monday, the 22nd. It marks the beginning of fall, and of course, the beginning of Libra season yay!!!

Relationships of all kinds are being highlighted!

Are you noticing conflict in relationships? Or maybe you are completely head over heels in love and oblivious to the world? Never you mind....either way, you're just experiencing the whims of Venus.

She rules Libra and reminds us to "know our worth" whether in relationship or not. Venus also asks us to respect our own personal boundaries and step away from people pleasing.

Fresh off the heels of the lunar eclipse in Pisces--prepare to be hit by another one. THIS time it's a solar eclipse in Libra Oct. 2nd along with the New Moon in Libra. Welcome to eclipse season!

There's so much to learn, so much to experience if you pay attention. Mercury moved into Libra 9/26 and is helping us express ourselves with peace, care and harmony. Then Jupiter, the planet of expansion, goes into retrograde in GEMINI 10/9 until Feb. 4, 2025! Whew!

It's time to harness this immense energy and EXPAND all we want to manifest with careful communication of all types with peace and ease!

  1. Speak out loud what you want to manifest in all relationships. (this includes relationships with food, money, career, romantic, friend, family the list goes on and on.)

2. Write it out what you want to manifest in your world. Be specific. Burn it and watch it go out to the universe (air element).

3. Sing, chant, hum, yodel, whatever mode you want to use to communicate your deepest desires. The universe is listening and ready to receive.

Oct. 2nd is a GREAT time to set these intentions and push them out to the world.

Are you ready??



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