🫨 Are you finding that some days are just harder than other days? Weeks? Months?
That's legit. I sure do experience it. Some days I just want to go back to bed and start the day all over again....💤
But why!? What's it all about??
Sometimes energy flows easily and then some days it just doesn't. These are the days you might want to take a moment, breathe, assess--ask questions...."what am I learning through this experience?" These moments may be teachable moments that you don't want to miss. These are the moments that are HARD!
If you're feeling "it", blame it on the energy of the full Moon in Capricorn. (It's just more fun if you have someTHING to blame) HA!
Saturn, rules Capricorn and is our 'teacher'. We can sometimes experience feelings of restriction or constriction. We may feel like we want to break out of our same old, same old workout routine, or we may feel bored of eating "HEALTHY" all the time. These feelings are Saturn at work.
Saturn rules the root chakra (I am). The root chakra represents safety and security. Saturn asks us: Are you going to grow up, or stay small and safe? When we want to throw a temper tantrum, Saturn is at work....feel into that to see what area of your life this applies to.
🤔Are you experiencing issues with your legs, bones, muscles, teeth, hair, physical weakness, joint pain, arthritis, gastric problems? Saturn rules over all of these body parts. Saturn may be teaching your something which is manifesting physically in your body.
Wild huh!
🧐Looking thru a different lens as to what we may be feeling mentally, emotionally, physically can provide answers we may not be fully aware of....
Food for thought....
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