🥳 Exciting news for Force Fitness! You ready? I'm happy to introduce: Hybrid classes!! Being a Personal trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Health coach has brought me to where I am today...on a MIND, BODY, and now SPIRIT journey. I am happy to announce new modalities I'm able to offer.
Check these out:
Hybrid sessions include:
Consciousness work through astrology
Nutrition coaching
Wellness scans
Structural assessment and corrective exercise
Crystal Reiki
Trauma healing
Ceremony/ritual coaching
EFT (Tapping)
Emotion code
👉 In fact, you'll see most of these modalities in the Force Fitness Self - care Oracle deck of cards. The services I can't provide, have a referral website of a practitioner that CAN assist you! Another reason to utilize the deck cards for your highest good. You're in GREAT hands--- Healer hands!
👇 Here are the package prices to be used whenever you're in need of a session. There is no expiration date. So, take advantage of the package deals. Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to SHARE!
Packages 10 sessions: $850 5 sessions: $475 3 sessions: $315
Schedule your appointment here: www.forcefitness.us/schedule