Yah, that's me, front and center! Throw back Thursday to 2002!
That's when I was literally "fit fat".
I've struggled pretty much with my weight my entire life. Even when I was super fit, I still carried a nice girdle of fat around my body.
No amount of exercise would get rid of it. Believe me, I tried. I was working out 3 times a day during this time. I taught classes, ran and lifted weights daily.
I followed a very low fat diet which included no starchy carbs- - only veggies, drank my water, got my sleep but still carried this layer of fat I couldn't get rid of! I was beyond frustrated, depressed and at a loss as to what I was doing wrong.
What changed?
Do NOT accept your "weight" as something that is what it is!
There are SO many other things that come into play besides, diet and exercise. Hormones, reactive foods, inflammation, auto immune disease...the list goes on. It's up to YOU to keep searching until you find what the culprit is!
The good news? I can help! I've helped hundreds of people find their culprit, and I can help you too!
Find out what it's like to work with me as your coach! I'm holding a 2 week challenge starting April 13th.
Check it out: forcefitness.us/challenge
